Acheive your dream with the TOEFL iBT®


With a mission to improve the quality and equity of education, ETS provides a full range of services for education-related tests well known in Korea, such as TOEFL and GRE.
YEAR 2020 – Present
SERVICES Social media
Media planning/buying


Success story
Over the past decade, TOEFL’s market share in Korea has been relatively stable, and it remains the market leader, however given the recent (within the past few years) increased presence of the main competitor, TOEFL’s strength and position in the Korean market is more vulnerable. By renewing ETS's owned social media channel, Naver Blog, and ongoing management via engaging content creation, CREATIP increased the avg. number of post views & visitors. CREATIP also implemented diverse digital campaigns by varying different messages and target audience through domestic & global platforms to maximize website traffic and test takers recruitment.

ROAS 470% No. of blog visitors growth (YOY) 60%