Hyundai Mobility Japan

Hyundai Mobility Japan

Hyundai Motor Company is re-entering the Japanese market with IONIQ 5 andKONA, pioneering a new electric vehicle market in Japan.
CLIENT Hyundai Mobility Japan
YEAR 2023
SERVICES Entire Social Media Managament; IG, YT, TW, LN
Content Production
Content Creation
Event Campaign


Success story
In 2022, Hyundai Motor Company re-entered Japan as Hyundai Mobility Japan withIONIQ 5, aiming to capture the new electric car market.The goal was to communicate more with Japanese customers,highlighting the advantages of electric cars and penetrating the EV Car Life. For this,CREATIP localized global and Korean content for the Japanese audience and produced Japan-specific content.They also spread content marketing on Twitter, LINE, and other platforms widelyused in Japan, in addition to Instagram and YouTube.